"Sierra" is the phonetic code for the letter "S" which stands for Swaraj, the Hindu/Gandhian ideal of self-rule, self-reliance & self-sufficiency which grows out of one's commitment to self-assessment, self-discipline and self-improvement. It extols the benefits & dignity of work & manual labor. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaraj
"Zulu" is the phonetic code for the letter "Z" which stands for Zakat, the Muslim practice of donating a portion of one's wealth each year for the benefit of those in need. The SierraZulu fund will distribute 3%-4% (minimum of 2.5%) of its principal each year. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakat
The SierraZulu Fund distributes grants based on temporary financial need and the willingness & capacity for self-reliance & self-sufficiency. Grant recipients and/or their household members are required to pledge an hour of their time to community service for every $75 received. Recipients and the members of their household are encouraged to avoid financial non-necessities (tobacco, alcohol, cable TV, etc.) for three months and to use whatever surplus is generated to balance their household budget, pay off debt, increase savings and/or donate to a charity of their choice. The SierraZulu Fund is not a registered 501(c) organization and does not accept donations. The SierraZulu Fund is endowed with the investment income generated from an external capital account. The fund's administrative expenses and taxes are paid using external sources.
The desired proximal outcome for SierraZulu Fund grant recipients is to either avoid or escape homelessness. The desired distal outcome is to remain in stable housing and achieve financial stability one year after grant award date.
The desired proximal outcome for SierraZulu Fund grant recipients is to either avoid or escape homelessness. The desired distal outcome is to remain in stable housing and achieve financial stability one year after grant award date.