Here are some of the individuals and organizations who have received grants from the SierraZulu Fund:
After dealing with substance abuse for many years, John was employed and rebuilding his life. He lost employment and fell behind on rent before finding a new job. A grant was provided to pay his back rent and keep him in stable housing.
J & M
An itinerant Scandinavian couple who were forced to leave the country because the US would not extend their visa. They were given a grant to help secure safe housing in Mexico and help prepare for the arrival of their new baby.
Nicole W.
Nicole was laid off from her job and was working part-time for Uber and down to her last month of unemployment. She recently discovered she was pregnant and the father (her ex-boyfriend) has not been supportive. A grant was provided to help pay one month's additional rent, keep her from being evicted and extend the time available to find a full-time job. She will volunteer at her church in one of the service ministries.
Katie was living in a rental house with her pregnant daughter who was diagnosed with cancer. After the baby was born, Katie's daughter died despite treatment efforts, so Katie began raising her grandson. Then Katie discovered that she too had cancer and had to stop working for her own medical treatment. A grant was provided (along with funds from other non-profit organizations) to keep Katie and her grandson in their home while she completes treatment and can then return to work.
Jane Doe
Jane was living with her boyfriend but left that situation and began staying at a hotel. A grant was provided to help pay the deposit on an apartment.
Jane Doe
Jane was a disabled lady on a fixed income, living in a hotel. She had secured a Section 8 voucher but was about to be evicted because she had not found a landlord willing to accept the voucher. A grant was provided to extend her stay and help with moving costs once she was able to secure a unit in a senior housing complex that accepts Section 8 vouchers.
Jane & Jack Doe family
A household of four adults and one child was unable to pay utility bills due to disability and medical bills. A grant was provided to keep utilities hooked up and to help pay rent.
Therese K.
Therese found herself in a shelter environment surviving on social security disability income. A grant was provided to defray the cost of the deposit for an apartment allowing her to exit the shelter environment.
Juana V.
After staying in a shelter for two months, Juana was able to find a market rate apartment to rent. A grant was provided to help defray the cost of the deposit.
Kina E.
Kina and her family were forced to deal with a violent tragedy when her uncle was murdered. A grant was provided to help pay the rental deposit on a subsidized apartment and allow her to exit the shelter environment.
Nicole M.
Nicole is a single mother of two facing eviction. She works as a pre-school teacher and is about to finish her college degree. A grant was provided to help her move to an area with more affordable housing.
Victoria F.
Victoria was homeless for over 3 months but was still able to secure permanent, full-time employment thanks to her diligence and hard work. She qualified to rent a studio apartment but did not have the funds to put down the required deposit. A grant was provided to help defray the cost of the deposit and allow her to move into stable housing.
Louisa C.
Louisa spent 2 years couch surfing and bouncing in and out of shelters. Despite her disability, she volunteers at the library and a local shelter and has obtained employment. A grant was provided to pay for her first month's rent which will allow her to leave the shelter environment and obtain safe and supportive housing with two other women.
Kay H.
Kay experienced job loss and roommate problems which led to becoming homeless. She has a temporary, part-time job and wanted to purchase a mobile dwelling to live in. A grant was provided to help with the purchase of a truck, van or small camper.
Emily Scott
Emily is an aspiring Olympic speed skater who was forced to apply for SNAP (food stamps) due to a reduction in her stipend. A grant was provided to help her pay rent and buy food so she could continue to focus full-time on her training.
The Daniel Kirema family
Daniel has three children in or approaching college-age. A grant was provided to help defray tuition costs for his children, as college is a severe financial burden for the typical Kenyan family.
Habitat for Humanity -- Seattle / King County
Builds low-cost, high-efficiency housing for low-income, responsible & self-sufficient families currently in substandard housing situations. Owners put in 400 hours of "sweat equity" and get a no-interest loan from Habitat. Costs are kept down using donated labor and materials.
J & M
An itinerant Scandinavian couple who were forced to leave the country because the US would not extend their visa. They were given a grant to help secure safe housing in Mexico and help prepare for the arrival of their new baby.
Nicole W.
Nicole was laid off from her job and was working part-time for Uber and down to her last month of unemployment. She recently discovered she was pregnant and the father (her ex-boyfriend) has not been supportive. A grant was provided to help pay one month's additional rent, keep her from being evicted and extend the time available to find a full-time job. She will volunteer at her church in one of the service ministries.
Katie was living in a rental house with her pregnant daughter who was diagnosed with cancer. After the baby was born, Katie's daughter died despite treatment efforts, so Katie began raising her grandson. Then Katie discovered that she too had cancer and had to stop working for her own medical treatment. A grant was provided (along with funds from other non-profit organizations) to keep Katie and her grandson in their home while she completes treatment and can then return to work.
Jane Doe
Jane was living with her boyfriend but left that situation and began staying at a hotel. A grant was provided to help pay the deposit on an apartment.
Jane Doe
Jane was a disabled lady on a fixed income, living in a hotel. She had secured a Section 8 voucher but was about to be evicted because she had not found a landlord willing to accept the voucher. A grant was provided to extend her stay and help with moving costs once she was able to secure a unit in a senior housing complex that accepts Section 8 vouchers.
Jane & Jack Doe family
A household of four adults and one child was unable to pay utility bills due to disability and medical bills. A grant was provided to keep utilities hooked up and to help pay rent.
Therese K.
Therese found herself in a shelter environment surviving on social security disability income. A grant was provided to defray the cost of the deposit for an apartment allowing her to exit the shelter environment.
Juana V.
After staying in a shelter for two months, Juana was able to find a market rate apartment to rent. A grant was provided to help defray the cost of the deposit.
Kina E.
Kina and her family were forced to deal with a violent tragedy when her uncle was murdered. A grant was provided to help pay the rental deposit on a subsidized apartment and allow her to exit the shelter environment.
Nicole M.
Nicole is a single mother of two facing eviction. She works as a pre-school teacher and is about to finish her college degree. A grant was provided to help her move to an area with more affordable housing.
Victoria F.
Victoria was homeless for over 3 months but was still able to secure permanent, full-time employment thanks to her diligence and hard work. She qualified to rent a studio apartment but did not have the funds to put down the required deposit. A grant was provided to help defray the cost of the deposit and allow her to move into stable housing.
Louisa C.
Louisa spent 2 years couch surfing and bouncing in and out of shelters. Despite her disability, she volunteers at the library and a local shelter and has obtained employment. A grant was provided to pay for her first month's rent which will allow her to leave the shelter environment and obtain safe and supportive housing with two other women.
Kay H.
Kay experienced job loss and roommate problems which led to becoming homeless. She has a temporary, part-time job and wanted to purchase a mobile dwelling to live in. A grant was provided to help with the purchase of a truck, van or small camper.
Emily Scott
Emily is an aspiring Olympic speed skater who was forced to apply for SNAP (food stamps) due to a reduction in her stipend. A grant was provided to help her pay rent and buy food so she could continue to focus full-time on her training.
The Daniel Kirema family
Daniel has three children in or approaching college-age. A grant was provided to help defray tuition costs for his children, as college is a severe financial burden for the typical Kenyan family.
Habitat for Humanity -- Seattle / King County
Builds low-cost, high-efficiency housing for low-income, responsible & self-sufficient families currently in substandard housing situations. Owners put in 400 hours of "sweat equity" and get a no-interest loan from Habitat. Costs are kept down using donated labor and materials.
Shared Bread program (Kent United Methodist church)
Provides cash grants for local residents facing eviction and/or utility completely by volunteers.
Provides cash grants for local residents facing eviction and/or utility completely by volunteers.
Kent Community Supper
For 30 years, this volunteer group has provided a free meal at the Kent Lutheran church every Monday night to whoever shows up. This lean and highly efficient group uses volunteer labor and donations from local gleaning groups...very little food is actually purchased.
New Hope Presbyterian Church
Serves the South King County area through its Deacon's Fund
New Hope Presbyterian Church
Serves the South King County area through its Deacon's Fund
Multi-Service Center
As the name implies, provides many different types of assistance to South King County bank, rental assistance, substance abuse treatment, energy assistance, employment program...
Santiago family
Santiago family
The mobile home park they lived in was sold, forcing them to move. A grant was provided to help them relocate to a new home in a different city.
Jacqueline XXX
She and her daughter needed to escape from an abusive relationship. A grant was provided to assist them in moving and starting a new life in safe housing.
Jane Doe
A single mom forced to quit her job due to multiple medical appointments for her special needs son. She was unable to pay her water bill and her water was turned off around Xmas, making her apartment unlivable. A grant was awarded to get her water turned back on. She is now employed with childcare arranged.
SLOCCF -- San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation
The Klaproad Homeless Fund provides rental assistance, landlord negotiation and other housing services to residents of San Luis Obispo County.
SLOCCF -- San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation
The Klaproad Homeless Fund provides rental assistance, landlord negotiation and other housing services to residents of San Luis Obispo County.
Veronica & her mother WALKED to the US from El Salavador when she was 11 yrs old. She grew up in the States in abusive circumstances, was temporarily adopted by one of the women whose houses her mother cleaned, graduated from school, became a US citizen, got married to another Salvadorean immigrant, had 3 children, and built a career at a bank. A couple of years ago, she was laid off during the financial industry downturn. Her husband is an electrician & was out of work for a while, but has recently found a job. Recently, her husband's only brother suffered a stroke at age 37 and died on Christmas day. His wife and three children live in El Salvador. Veronica and her husband will now have to support not only their own three kids, but their sister-in-law and nieces in El Salvador. Her husband will donate time to help repair & build homes for low income residents.
Echomo (Jane)
A young woman from the Isiolo area of Kenya who was assisted as a child by ChildFund international and then by a sponsor to complete secondary school (which is not government-provided, unlike in the U.S.). After graduating, she is now attending a computer technical school which will greatly increase her options in the workforce...a grant was provided for her first year tuition.
Islamic Center of Kent
The largest Islamic services center in Kent provides daily prayer services, religious, spiritual, education, social, recreation and welfare services for the local Muslim population.
Veronica & her mother WALKED to the US from El Salavador when she was 11 yrs old. She grew up in the States in abusive circumstances, was temporarily adopted by one of the women whose houses her mother cleaned, graduated from school, became a US citizen, got married to another Salvadorean immigrant, had 3 children, and built a career at a bank. A couple of years ago, she was laid off during the financial industry downturn. Her husband is an electrician & was out of work for a while, but has recently found a job. Recently, her husband's only brother suffered a stroke at age 37 and died on Christmas day. His wife and three children live in El Salvador. Veronica and her husband will now have to support not only their own three kids, but their sister-in-law and nieces in El Salvador. Her husband will donate time to help repair & build homes for low income residents.
Echomo (Jane)
A young woman from the Isiolo area of Kenya who was assisted as a child by ChildFund international and then by a sponsor to complete secondary school (which is not government-provided, unlike in the U.S.). After graduating, she is now attending a computer technical school which will greatly increase her options in the workforce...a grant was provided for her first year tuition.
Islamic Center of Kent
The largest Islamic services center in Kent provides daily prayer services, religious, spiritual, education, social, recreation and welfare services for the local Muslim population.